This project is still alive, in case you all were wondering. I’ve worked with Charlie Bini and Andrew MArtin at KIPP NJ and we’ve created a very nice script that grabs the five most important Alumni DB tables form sales force and loads them up to a SQL Server DB. They are up on our our github page now. You can find them here!

You’ll find three files in that repo. You only need to make changes in which has fields for your Salesforce credentials and your. It looks like this:

## Alumni Salesforce DB configurables
SF_UID = ''
SF_PWD = 'secret_wd!'
SF_TOKEN =  'very_long_token_from_salesforce'

## Silo DB configurables
DB_TYPE = 'mssql'
DB_API = 'pyodbc'
DB_DNS_NAME = 'Silo_Alumni_64'
DB_NAME = 'Alumni_mirror'

You simply substitute your own credentials. Easiest use is to set up a DNS directly to where in SQL Server instance you’ll store these data.

The other two files are and The first one is a module that is imported into the second and has some resuable functions that can be used to connect to SQL Server as well as push data from a pandas dataframe up to SQL server. It creates a new table if that data is new; otherwise it trunctes the table and appends you data. Not as sophisticated as an upsert, but for most integrations good enough.

The is were the magic happens. It pulls five tables from the Alumni DB, creates dataframes for each, and then loads each up to SQL server. The five tables are:

  • Account,
  • Contact,
  • College_Persistence__c,
  • Contact,
  • Contact_Note__c,
  • Enrollment__c.

You can set up a Task Scheduler job to hit the You will in all likelihood need to use a 64-bit Python interpretor, since the Account table in the Alumni DB is huge and the pandas package won’t be able to handle it in 32-bit Python. The (Anaconda distribtuion is great)[].