
  • Migrating your CDF to the 2015 format and Integrating with Silo.

    I’ve added the python script we use to grab a CDF from NWEA and load into our database.

  • Alumni (SalesForce) DB Integration

    This project is still alive, in case you all were wondering. I’ve worked with Charlie Bini and Andrew MArtin at KIPP NJ and we’ve created a very nice script that grabs the five most important Alumni DB tables form sales force and loads them up to a SQL Server DB. They are up on our our github page now. You can find them here!

  • Linking PowerSchool to SQL Server

    This rather longish document outlines a couple of important steps in configuring your KIPP Silo instance. It is primarily aimed at setting up a linked server (specifically PowerSchools Oracle back-end) on MS SQL Server. It also covers in passing

  • Setting up SQL Server on AWS

    This step-by-step tutorial covers the process for launching your own version of the KIPP Silo data warehouse on Amazon Web Services. Note: I’ve never done this before. Like ever. In other words this is my first time doing this ever and I’m documenting here so that (i) big KIPPsters that haven’t done this before can see how it can be done and (ii) any mistakes I make are documented and someone—anyone—can correct them.

  • KIPP Silo @ KSS Day 4 (AM/PM Edition)

    It’s Thursday. I’m in the Grit Lounge again with Andrew (I’ll be in an out all AM, but Andrew will be around).

  • KIPP Silo @ KSS Day 3 (Morning Edition)

    It’s Wednesday. I’m in the Grit Lounge. There’s power though not many chairs. Come on end all. I’ll be working on:

  • KIPP Silo @ KSS Day 2 Afternoon Location

    We are now in the Grit Lounge (352 B, which is right next to the Optimism Lounge):

  • KIPP Silo @ KSS Day 2

    Today let’s try and take over the Optimism Lounge (352 A):

  • GitHub and Git Tutorials

    So I promised everyone new to distributed development projects a tutorial of sorts on GitHub and its underlying version control system Git. Rather than writing a super long tutorial and in the spirit of “not reinventing the wheel”, I hope dear readers you’ll forgive me for creating this Resource Roundup. And rather than be a brain dump of links, this roundup will be curated and sectioned so your can jump in where you feel most comfortable.

  • KIPP Silo @ KSS Day 1

    If you are in Houston this Monday morning or afternoon, Andrew (@almartin82), Erin Gunn (@eringunn), Arie Glazier (@arieglazier) (he’s new and with KIPP New Orleans so be sure say hi to him ), and I (@chrishaid) are working in 342 D of the GRB Conference Center. Here’s handy map:

  • First Real Commit!!!

    James Dozier (@jdozier) has done it again! Not only did he kick off this entire project with his now renownd KIPP Share post KIPP Network Normed Data Warehouse, but he’s added the first real commit to KIPP Silo. IT is called Silo Conveyor (see what he did there) and is the start of Python script that grabs and adds the AssessmentsResults.csv from the MAP CDF to a database.

  • Introducing KIPP Silo

    I’m pleased to announce that the KIPP Network Normed Data Warehouse (gated) sparked by @jdozier is up and running and Andrew, James, and I have come up with what we think is a relatively clever name:

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